

Turbo Charge your WordPress Install

At DOWO Digital we include LiteSpeed & Redis Caching FREE to all users, allowing you to turbo charge your website, delivering insane performance, and sub second page…

UK Domain Price Increase

Lock in current domain pricing by renewing your UK domains before 1st March. At the end of 2015, Nominet, the official registry for all UK domains, announced…


Recently a security researcher at Google announced that they had discovered a vulnerability in the SSL 3.0 protocol, codenamed POODLE (or Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption, if you’re not into…

Bash Vulnerability – “Shellshock”

On September 24, 2014 a Bash Vulnerability referred to as ‘Shellshock’ was announced. This particular vulnerability provided remote attackers the ability to execute code on the server,…