
Using a Personalisation Strategy to create better content

A well-executed personalisation strategy can help you to deliver relevant content to your users across channels and generally understand the needs and wants of your customers.

Combining data and your tech – you can gain valuable insight that helps you to customise your user’s experience with your brand. This can be something simple like speaking in a tone that resonates with them through your copy to matching their expectations and solving their unique problems

Where to start?

If you really want to give personalisation some welly, then it’s pretty important that you have enough data about your customers first. Put some basic audience segments in place – such as location, device use, single-visits, entry point. These will generate large cohorts but you need data to start off with.

You’ll also need to dedicate some resources towards your personalisation strategy. You need to gather data and be able to validate your data with action. Good strategies are about testing, so the main thing we’d recommend is having a way to A/B test your findings, otherwise you won’t be able to act on your research or find out anything useful. [Hint: we can help with this!]

Creating a model

There are 4 key elements of a personalisation model; signals, persona, targets and engagement.

Signals help you to determine which personas you’re working with. A signal can be a sign-up form or a purchase – basically a way that a persona has interacted with your brand.

Your personas include the data you can collect about each user – who, why, where, when, what.

Targets are where you want to move your users towards for their personalised experience – what do you want them to interact with and where are you inserting your CTAs? Targets can be visible locations like landing pages to personalised headers and footers.

An engagement section will allow you to measure the success of your strategy and decide on the metrics you’ll use to determine this. You can look at user interaction such as ‘shares’ and ‘likes’ or other user engagement elements like scroll depth and time spent on a page.

Putting it all together

The 4 elements of your model will help you to carry out behaviour-based segmentation to look at users’ journeys.

You can find out if a user seems to prefer short or long-form content, determine what times of the day they do their reading/shopping online. You’ll be able to come up with tailored reactions to specific signals, so you can provide more relevant customer experiences to users who have joined you from certain entry-points.

For example, you can use this info to deliver a newsletter to a selection of users that have bought from you, who first interacted with your brand through Instagram, with video content.

Ultimately, you want to be able to attach user journeys to different behaviour segmentations, determined by your personalisation model.


It’s important that you measure the success of combining your personalisation strategy with your content strategy. Come up with content engagement scores that you’re aiming for, so you can use metrics to work out if your strategy is working.

Views and page impressions are basic metrics, but they don’t tell us enough about whether users are pleased with your content. Looking at tab abandonment, time spent on the page, scroll depth and conversion rates will be much more useful.

Final thoughts

Sounds good? Get in touch, and let us give you a hand with your own personalisation strategy and start generating more leads and data to grow your business.

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Laura Cooper
As a copywriter, Laura is used to writing about all sorts of weird and wonderful subjects, but her background in digital marketing means that the latest digital trends are her favourite subject. She loves creating engaging, personality-driven content and thinks that writing good copy is one of the most underrated and effective marketing tools for brands. When she’s not working, she enjoys writing comedy, watching Netflix and walking her West Highland Terrier puppy.