
Using Video Content to Stand Out

There’s an endless array of platforms that you can view video content on, so naturally, it’s important for marketers to get involved in creating their own video content. Video content is now the most consumed form of content by digital users, so in order to bring your business to new audiences and demographics, video is well-worth exploring if you haven’t before.

Telling your business’ story in a different way is a great start and video allows you to shape new narratives and be more emotive when you’re appealing to audiences. Written content has its place, but not everyone engages with it and video content can give a new angle to an idea you want to get across.

Product Guides

One of the best ways that you can utilise video for your brand is when you’re thinking about how to communicate information about your products or services. How-to-guides can give essential information but there’s nothing like a visual way to show exactly how products work, especially quite complex ones. If customers want clear instructions, then a video can get this across in a quick, easy way, instead of having to wade through reams of text that can’t quite capture how a product looks or functions.


High quality video content is much more likely to be shared than anything else, it’s easy to share across platforms and to get people to engage with. If you’ve created something funny, entertaining or eye-catching it’s easier to get that shared quickly, distributed and for people to receive the message, instead of reading through reams of paragraphs. There’s not much time online, people are doing all sorts of things and are easily distractable, so you don’t have a lot of time to grab their attention, but an attractive video can do the talking for you.

Good SEO

Video content can rank really well on Google, perhaps even better than written content that you’ve worked on for hours to create the best SEO copy. Blog posts with video can work really well too, and are more likely to rank well than blog posts without video in them. Videos tend to increase the time that users will spend on your website or socials, so that’s a good incentive to get cracking on some video content which can lead to more eyeballs on your site, conversion, engagement and sales.


It’s often thought that video content creation is quite expensive but it doesn’t have to be and this isn’t always the case by any means. The return on investment for quality video content can be well-worth the time, resource and cost, because of the increases in lead generation, traffic and sales that it can lead to.

If you’re not sure where to start with video content or want us to cast an eye over the type of content you’d like your business to create and give our input, get in touch with our team at DOWO today and we’ll be more than happy to help.

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John Wood
Working at some of Manchester’s top digital marketing agencies has given John experience delivering campaigns big and small. Google certification makes John a highly skilled marketer with a proven track record in delivering results. With a passion for all things digital he prides himself keeping up to date with the latest digital trends.