
PPC Campaigns and Covid-19

Yes, it’s another blog that will inevitably mention the unavoidable issue of Covid-19! It’s a problem that’s affecting every area of society and the majority of businesses have had to suddenly adapt to something completely beyond their control.

Inevitably, buying habits and behaviours have changed during the pandemic…toilet rolls anyone? So, businesses are having to quickly pivot and protect themselves during this time. While there are mounting challenges, some quick wins and tweaks can be made with PPC campaigns.

When times are tough, marketing budgets usually get hit hard, but there are opportunities to get infront of lots of buyers that are now buying almost solely online and take advantage of falling Cost Per Clicks and more online ad space.

If you need help making sense of your marketing campaigns and PPC campaigns at the moment then get in touch with us here at DOWO and we can talk you through what’s going on and help you to prepare your business.

Instead of pausing campaigns, make some tweaks and get more impact. Here are a few tips:

Best Performing Times

Everything’s been turned on its head and a lot of people are online…all of the time. With people working from home or furloughed, they tend to head online to relax or distract themselves. Start monitoring any recent changes on Google Ads to the times when you’re getting your best conversion rates.

Adjust your Ad Schedule so that your adverts will show up in the best performing times at the moment, which could be quite different to when your typical customer base buy your products.

Device-Level Performance Data

Another good idea is to adjust your bids for devices where you’re getting good performance metrics. People might be changing the way they usually view products and buy right now.

As we mentioned, people might be working from home and using a laptop/desktop instead, when usually they’d be viewing products on their mobile while they commute or on their breaks. You can reduce your Cost Per Lead by playing around with device metrics.

Keyword Mix

People might be finding you in different ways or you might have products that are suited to topical searches right now. Looking at keywords can help you with lots of quick wins – you could pause expensive keywords with limited leads and just go with the keywords that are costing the least to deliver leads. This means you can spend more time and squeezed marketing budget on keywords that are delivering the most value.

Look at keywords and mixes that are new or performing well at the moment for whatever reason and tweak your budget accordingly too.

Lots of businesses are putting their campaigns on pause right now, so it’s well worth taking a look at how your adverts are performing and doing some smarter bidding. Don’t just rest on your laurels though, you should monitor and keep track of the changes that you’re making and test the impact of them and keep an eye on CPC prices as things start to return to normal.

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John Wood
Working at some of Manchester’s top digital marketing agencies has given John experience delivering campaigns big and small. Google certification makes John a highly skilled marketer with a proven track record in delivering results. With a passion for all things digital he prides himself keeping up to date with the latest digital trends.