Azure Blob Storage - Form Connector Print

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Azure Blob storage is a feature of Microsoft Azure. It allows users to store large amounts of unstructured data on Microsoft's data storage platform. In this case, Blob stands for Binary Large Object, including images and multimedia files. 


Our platform enables you to quickly and easily connect your Form Entries to Azure Blob storage.


This enables you to select which files, images, and videos to be uploaded to the Azure Blob storage when forms are submitted.

Before you add an Azure Blob Storage Connector, you must ensure that you have a valid Microsoft Azure connection set up on your organization.


Adding Azure Blob Storage to your Form


Form Connectors page can be accessed from your Form designer, settings, or in the Screens listing if you mouse over the Form row in question.


Once you are on the Connectors page, setting up an Azure Blob Storage connector is easy:

  • Click on the ADD CONNECTOR button to see a list of the available Connectors.
  • Then click the Azure Blob Storage option.


This will refresh the page and display your Connector, ready for configuration. 


1. Send Form Answers

You can choose what format you want your Form entry data to be sent as.


Sends a Form data as a CSV file attachment on the email.
Excel: Sends a Microsoft Excel attachment, which is generated using an Excel XLSX template you upload.
Sends a PDF file attachment on the email, generated using either a generic PDF output or the Word/Excel template provided.
Text File:
Sends a Form data as a Text File attachment on the email.
Sends a Microsoft Word attachment, which is generated using a Word DOCX template you upload.


2. Send Media Files

Allows you to attached which media files to be included in the email.


The Connector will send/attach all media captured in the Form entry (photos, videos, etc.) as separate files with this option enabled.

This is in addition to any generated answer/template output of the connector.


If the Anonymize Personal Data option is enabled, media files marked as Personal Data will be excluded.



3. File Name

Allows you to specify the name of the media file/s to be uploaded.


4. Container Name

Your Azure Storage account uses Containers to hold and organize your files (called Blobs). Blobs must all be stored in the container. Enter the name of the container you wish to connect with.


5. Folder Path

Enter the folder path under your Bucket that you wish to organize your file within: 'Bucketname/FolderName/FileGoesInThisOne'


6. Anonymize Personal Data

If enabled, data from fields marked as Personal Data will be converted to a non-human-readable format to aid privacy.

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